
Free Download丨CBBC China Business Guide 2024

We are delighted to be a contributor to this fantastic 2024 China Business Guide with CBBC Team The China-Britain Business Council (CBBC) is delighted to introduce and launch their CBBC China Business Guide 2024. Recent years have been challenging overall for UK exporters, with the combination of global economic uncertainties, pandemic disruption, and geopolitical complexity having a […]

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The Most Important Skills To Develop in The Next 5 Years

Hi everyone, and Happy New Year 2024! As a company focused on continuous learning and skill development, we’re constantly on the lookout for new resources and reports that can help you unlock your full potential. And our the World Economic Forum released a report that we think provides some excellent insight into the skills of

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Level Up Your Leadership: How Presentation Skills Workshops Unlock Your Public Speaking Power

I just wrapped up my last workshop of the year with the incredible team at China Southern Airlines in Guangzhou! It has been an absolute honor and pleasure to collaborate with such a talented group, helping them develop confidence, presentation skills and executive presence over the past two days. The enthusiasm and dedication displayed by

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Fostering a Sustainable Coaching Culture for Maximum Impact

In today’s fast-paced business environment, an organization’s most important asset is its people. While strategy and technology undoubtedly play key roles, it is ultimately the skills, engagement and innovation of a company’s workforce that determine competitiveness and long-term prosperity. With this reality in mind, leadership must focus on continuously developing talent through supportive initiatives that

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24 Things You Can Do to Start 2024 Focused on Growth

As 2023 draws to a close, now is the ideal time to reflect on the year that was and focus our energy on personal growth heading into the new year. The hustle and bustle of the holiday season presents an opportunity to pause, look inward, and evaluate where we have been while also planning where we want to go. Taking even just a few hours this month to refine our goals and commitments can help ensure 2024 is our best year yet.

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Designing Culturally-Sensitive Workshops: A Facilitator’s Guide

As a workshop coach and facilitator, adapting your training style to different cultural contexts is key. Whether working with multinationals in China, Southeast Asian firms expanding abroad, or any cross-border collaboration, an awareness of cultural nuances can make or break your events. Here is a step-by-step guide to designing culturally sensitive workshops based on my

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Understanding the Difference Between Mentoring and Coaching

In my time working as an executive coach and facilitator, I’ve had the privilege of helping clients from all walks of life achieve their professional goals and unlock their full potential. Whether working with teens, undergraduate business students, mid-career managers, or C-suite executives, one question I’m often asked is – what exactly is the difference

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World Mental Health Day: Normalizing Mental Well-being

World Mental Health Day, observed annually on October 10th, is a crucial reminder of the importance of mental health and its impact on our overall well-being. In a world that often prioritizes physical health, this day serves as a collective call to recognize, support, and prioritize mental well-being. It reminds us that it’s okay to

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Navigating Growth and Empowerment: A 15-Day Journey Across China

Greetings from the road, where excitement mingles with the hustle of a traffic jam as I make my way to the airport! The next 15 days promise a whirlwind adventure, taking me from the vibrant streets of Shanghai to the historical splendour of Beijing and beyond. Join me as I embark on a journey of

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Navigating Cross-Cultural Communication and Collaboration: Lessons from a Two-Day Workshop

In today’s interconnected global landscape, effective communication and collaboration have emerged as linchpins for success. The recent two-day communication and collaboration workshop, held for a diverse cross-cultural team hailing from Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan, and the Philippines, illuminated the critical importance of these skills in fostering productivity, teamwork, and leadership in our modern world.

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