Have-to vs Want-to Goals

Hey guys today I want to delve into the topic of goals and motivation—specifically, the distinction between “have-to” goals and “want-to” goals, and how they relate to extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Imagine waking up in the morning with a list of tasks that you feel you “have to” complete. These have-to goals are typically driven by external factors such as societal expectations, obligations, or external rewards, like a promotion or a salary increase. While these goals may seem necessary, they often lack personal fulfillment and can drain our motivation. In contrast, want-to goals are driven by our internal desires, passions, and personal values. These goals align with our authentic selves and bring a sense of joy, purpose, and intrinsic motivation. Want-to goals are often rooted in our deepest aspirations, such as pursuing a hobby, learning a new skill, or making a positive impact in the world.

Now, you might be wondering, are want-to goals truly easier to achieve? Well, research suggests that individuals who pursue want-to goals tend to experience higher levels of motivation and well-being, leading to greater success in goal attainment. A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that people who pursued self-concordant goals—goals that align with their personal values and interests—were more likely to make progress and achieve their objectives. The reason want-to goals are easier to achieve lies in the power of intrinsic motivation. When we engage in activities that genuinely interest us, we are more likely to experience a state of flow—a state of complete absorption and enjoyment in what we are doing. This flow state enhances our focus, creativity, and persistence, making the journey towards our goals more enjoyable and manageable. Now, let’s talk about coaching. Working with a coach can be immensely beneficial in the pursuit of both have-to and want-to goals. A coach provides guidance, support, and accountability, helping individuals clarify their goals, develop action plans, and overcome obstacles along the way.

Numerous studies have shown the positive impact of coaching on goal achievement and personal growth. Coaches help individuals gain clarity about their values, strengths, and aspirations, enabling them to set meaningful goals that align with their authentic selves. Additionally, coaches assist in breaking down larger goals into smaller, manageable steps, providing a roadmap to success. They offer encouragement, celebrate progress, and hold individuals accountable, fostering a sense of commitment and motivation. So, whether your goals are have-to or want-to, working with a coach can be a transformative experience that maximizes your potential and accelerates your progress. To sum it all up want-to goals, driven by intrinsic motivation, are often easier to achieve and lead to greater fulfillment and well-being. While have-to goals may be necessary at times, it is crucial to prioritize want-to goals that align with our passions and values. And if you’re looking to enhance your goal attainment and personal growth, working with a coach can provide invaluable support on your journey. Thanks for watching, If you’d like to work together, please use the contact form below, and we can explore how coaching can benefit you personally.

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