Balancing Learning, Work, and Family: Tips for Successful Adult Learning

As we grow and evolve in our personal and professional lives, it’s crucial to continue learning and developing ourselves. This is especially true for those in the coaching industry, where keeping up with the latest techniques and trends can make all the difference in providing effective support to clients.

Yesterday, I had the privilege of completing a 6-month, 125 Hours ACSTH coaching training program, a significant milestone in my coaching journey. I trained with the wonderful Luba Diasamidze with Istok Coaching

Practising, growing, and training are essential for any coach to best serve their clients. While I have completed training before and have served clients for hundreds of hours I wanted to work towards my PCC credential and of course the more you learn and develop your skills, the more effective you become in supporting your clients to achieve their goals. However, adult learning can be challenging, especially when balancing work and family commitments.

Here are some tips that helped me manage my time and stay focused during the training program:

Prioritize your time: With limited time available, it’s essential to prioritize your learning. Create a schedule that outlines your daily and weekly tasks and allocate specific times for learning. By having a structured plan, you can stay on track and ensure that you are making the most of your time.

Take breaks: Learning for extended periods can be exhausting, and it’s essential to take regular breaks to recharge your mind and body. Taking short breaks can help you stay focused and energized, making your learning experience more effective.

Learn in small increments: Breaking down your learning into smaller, more manageable chunks can help you stay motivated and focused. Instead of trying to learn everything at once, try to focus on one topic or concept at a time, and then move on to the next when you feel comfortable.

Engage with other learners: Engaging with other learners can help you stay motivated and feel connected to a community. Join online discussion groups or attend virtual learning sessions to interact with others and gain additional perspectives.

Set realistic goals: When setting your learning goals, make sure they are realistic and achievable. Setting unattainable goals can lead to frustration and demotivation. Celebrate your accomplishments along the way, and be proud of your progress.

By following these tips, you can make the most of your learning experience and manage your time effectively. Remember that earning a credential is not the end goal, but a starting point. Continuously practising and growing your coaching skills will help you become an exceptional coach who can deliver the best results for your clients.

I couldn’t have completed this training program without the support of my fellow course participants, exceptional trainers, and my own commitment to lifelong learning. I firmly believe that lifelong learning and self-development are key to success, especially in the coaching industry. I am committed to continuing to learn, grow, and make a positive impact in the coaching community.

To all coaches out there, remember that you don’t necessarily have to earn a credential to be a great coach. Your commitment to practising, growing, and training (I highly recommend working with Luba) will make all the difference in supporting your clients to achieve their goals. Keep learning, growing, and inspiring others along the way.

#adultlearning #lifelonglearning #timemanagement #prioritization #learninggoals #greatcoaching

