24 Things You Can Do to Start 2024 Focused on Growth

As 2023 draws to a close, now is the ideal time to reflect on the year that was and focus our energy on personal growth heading into the new year. The hustle and bustle of the holiday season presents an opportunity to pause, look inward, and evaluate where we have been while also planning where we want to go. Taking even just a few hours this month to refine our goals and commitments can help ensure 2024 is our best year yet.


  1. Reach out to mentors who have supported your journey and thank them for their guidance.
  2. Schedule informational interviews or coffee chats with contacts that can help further your goals.
  3. Send messages to friends and family expressing gratitude for their encouragement.
  4. Update your network on your goals for 2024 and how they can support you.


  1. Journal about what you are grateful for from this past year and lessons you have learned.
  2. Read over your notes from 2023 to identify areas of strength and places where you want to improve.
  3. Set goals and intentions for personal growth, learning, health and relationships in 2024.
  4. Create a budget and calendar to support taking actions on your goals.


  1. Research new skills, hobbies or interests you want to explore in the coming months.
  2. Update your resume to highlight accomplishments from the past year.
  3. Organize materials and notes that will support your continued education and growth.
  4. Declutter distracting influences from your physical and digital spaces.


  1. Evaluate your self-care habits and stress levels.
  2. Schedule time for relaxation, hobbies and quality rest over the holidays.
  3. Plan healthy meals and fitness activities to start the new year well.
  4. Practice daily gratitude, mindfulness and acts of kindness.


  1. Reflect on what gives you purpose and brings you joy daily.
  2. Read motivational materials and spend time in nature to recharge.
  3. Make your growth a priority and set check-ins to track your progress.
  4. Celebrate how far you’ve come and trust the growth still to unfold.
  5. Get to bed earlier to recharge during your time off.
  6. Be proud of how far you’ve come and excited for your continued journey.
  7. Clear your schedule for early January to devote time to your priorities without distraction.
  8. Set weekly or monthly check-ins to track your progress and course-correct as needed.

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